Jose Piironen

THL guidelines for truck drivers due to the corona situation

THL guidelines for truck drivers due to the corona situation

THL guidelines for truck drivers. You can find these guidelines their webbsite:

Now there is only in finnish version, but there will be also the following language versions: Sweden, English, Estonia, Russia, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

Liebherr LHM 550 tandem lift

Port of Pori carried out its first tandem lift!


A tandem lift of 140 tonnes was carried out successfully with Liebherr cranes! The LHM 550 cranes have a tandem lifting capacity of up to 250 tonnes.

We are now prepared for all kinds of heavy lifting operations!

Aarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 hAarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 hAarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 h