In the name of the Port of Pori, attempts are being made to change payment information in order to direct payments elsewhere.


We have heard that, in the name of the Port of Pori, an attempt is made to fish for information about possible open invoices from our partners and then redirect payments elsewhere.

Intended to direct our receivables to fraudsters.
Such scam messages should not be responded to.

We are making a criminal report on this matter and at the same time we are also reporting to the Cyber Security Center.

Aarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 hAarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 hAarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 h