Quality and environment

Sustainability report – Port of Poripdf Environmental policy – Port of Poripdf

5 reasons to choose us

Find out why Port of Pori is a great choice

5 good reasons

Passes and instructions

An access pass is required to access the port area.

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Aarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 hAarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 hAarhus 2 dHamburg 2,5 dAntwerp 5 dGävle 12 hTampere 1 hHelsinki 2,5 hOulu 6 hSt. Petersburg 8 h